许多学生依靠学生贷款来资助他们的教育. The U.S. 教育部的联邦学生贷款项目是威廉D. 福特联邦直接贷款计划. Under this program, the U.S. Department of Education is your lender.

这些贷款利率很低,不需要信用检查或抵押品. Student loans also provide a variety of deferment options and extended repayment terms. 学生可以从直接贷款项目中借款的金额是有限制的. 依赖vs有单独的限制. 独立和第一年(工作时间少于30小时)vs. 二年级(学时30小时以上)本科生. 所有直接贷款要么有补贴,要么没有补贴.

  • Direct Subsidized Loans are loans made to students who demonstrate financial need to help cover the costs of higher education; the government pays the interest on these loans while you’re in school.
  • Direct Unsubsidized Loans are not based on financial need; you pay all the interest accrued on these loans of which you can pay while enrolled or you can allow the interest to capitalize before entering repayment.

Repayment on federal loans begins six months after the student graduates or drops below half-time enrollment. The standard repayment term is 10 years, 虽然一个人可以获得替代还款条款,如延长, graduates, and income-based repayment plans. Find out more information at studentaid.gov under the “Manage Loans” tab.

正如教育部9月22日报告的那样, 2022, the fiscal year (FY) 2019 official Cohort Default Rate (CDR) for Central Carolina Technical College is 5.3%,超过了目前全国平均水平的2%.3%. The federal default rate is to maintain the capability to provide federal student loans, 大学必须将CDR保持在30%以下.

Your eligibility for federal financial aid is subject to specific terms and conditions; this includes student loans. We are required to follow federal regulations even if funding has already been awarded and/or disbursed when new information regarding your eligibility becomes available. 如果你获得贷款,但后来未能保持资格, or we become aware of additional information that affects our initial determination of your award eligibility, adjustments to your award may be required. 如果调整是必要的,你可能需要偿还部分或全部的资金. Federal Direct Loan funds are split into two payments and are paid directly to a student’s account. 付款日期请与商务办公室联系.

Note about Private Students Loans -由于CCTC的学费低,私人贷款违约率高, we feel it is in the best interest of our students to NOT certify private student loans.

Note about Parent PLUS Loans – Due to the low tuition cost at CCTC, 受供养学生的父母从来没有必要申请家长PLUS贷款, which do involved a credit check and have a much larger interest rate than the student loans. 因此,我们不参加这个项目.

Effective July 1, 2021, the FAFSA Simplification Act, 2021年综合拨款法案的一部分, 废除150%补贴使用限制要求. This means that if the first disbursement of your Direct Subsidized loans is on or after July 1, 2021, 你可以获得直接资助贷款的期限没有时间限制. Additionally, you cannot lose Direct Subsidized loan eligibility based on your continued enrollment in a program beyond the 150% published length of your program.

Annual and Aggregate Loan limits still apply to both Subsidized and Unsubsidized Direct Loans. See Annual Limits (per academic year) and Aggregated Limits (total max loan debt) in the chart below:

Annual Loan Limits – Per Academic Year
YearDependent StudentsIndependent Students

*No more than $3,500 of the above totals may be awarded in subsidized loan funding per academic year.

YearDependent StudentsIndependent Students

*No more than $4,500 of the above totals may be awarded in subsidized loan funding per academic year.

Dependent StudentsIndependent Students
Undergraduate Aggregate Loan Limits$31,000$57,500


How to receive Direct Loans at CCTC:
  1. 完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA). The FAFSA and any and all other missing information must be completed and processed successfully before a student can receive any federal funds, this includes federal student loans. FAFSA每学年完成一次.
  2. Enroll in classes. Students must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours) to be eligible to receive federal student loans for that semester.
  3. 获取并填写直接贷款确认书. 为了尽量减少不必要的学生债务, we require that students request to receive loan funding for each semester that they wish to receive loans for. 我们将在最后期限内处理特定条款的贷款请求. 请参阅直接贷款确认书顶部的日期.
    • The affirmation form will ask for proof of completion of the following requirements in order to be processed:
      1. Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement.
      2. 主本票(适用于首次借款者).
      3. 入学辅导(首次借款者).
    • 有关这些要求的信息,请参见下文.
    • 23-24 Direct Loan Affirmation Form
  4. 毕业后,成绩低于一半(6学分)或退出课程, complete the Exit Counseling. The Exit Counseling is an attempt to make you aware of your approaching loan repayment, terms and available options. It is a requirement that students complete this after graduating or dropping below half-time status (see below).

Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement:

从2021-2022学年开始生效, all students requesting loan funds must complete the Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement prior to submitting the Direct Loan Affirmation Form.

Central Carolina Technical College will request that you complete a new Acknowledgement for each semester that you complete a Direct Loan Affirmation Form to request loan funds for that term. Our goal is to help you understand your loans and how they affect your financial future.

If this is your 第一次接受联邦学生贷款, 你承认你明白偿还贷款的责任.

If you have existing federal student loans, you are acknowledging that you understand how much you owe and how much more you are eligible to borrow.

您还可以看到其他联邦学生援助信息, including the interest rates and repayment options to make managing your student loans easier, such as your assigned loan servicer.

你可于以下网址填写学生贷款年度确认表格 studentaid.gov 在“完成援助程序”选项卡下,也可在以下链接下载: http://studentaid.gov/asla/

You must have your FSA ID to log in, which is the same username/email/phone number and password you use to sign in and complete the FAFSA.

所有在中央卡罗莱纳技术学院注册的学生都是 Undergraduate Students因为我们不提供任何研究生或专业课程.

Entrance Counseling:

如果你是中央卡罗来纳技术学院的第一次贷款借款人, you must complete the Entrance Counseling prior to submitting the Direct Loan Affirmation Form.

你可以在这里完成入学咨询 studentaid.gov 在“完成援助程序”选项卡下,也可在以下链接下载: http://studentaid.gov/entrance-counseling/

You must have your FSA ID to log in, which is the same username/email/phone number and password you use to sign in and complete the FAFSA.

所有在中央卡罗来纳技术学院注册的学生都是 Undergraduate Students因为我们不提供任何研究生或专业课程.

Master Promissory Note (MPN):

如果你是第一次在中央卡罗来纳技术学院贷款, you must complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) prior to submitting the Direct Loan Affirmation Form.

You must also complete a new MPN if it has been 10 years since the original completed MPN, 或者原来的MPN已经过期.

You can complete the MPN at studentaid.gov 在“完成援助程序”选项卡下,也可在以下链接下载: http://studentaid.gov/mpn/subunsub/landing

You must have you FSA ID to log in, which is the same username/email/phone number and password you use to sign in and complete the FAFSA.

所有在中央卡罗来纳技术学院注册的学生都是 Undergraduate Students因为我们不提供任何研究生或专业课程.

Exit Counseling:

所有从联邦直接贷款计划借款的毕业生, 还有那些上了半天课或者休学的学生, must complete an exit counseling session to learn about the rights and responsibilities of repaying the loan. You are also informed of different potential repayment plans that can reduce your loan payment.

Exit Counseling can be completed at studentaid.gov 在“管理贷款”选项卡下,亦可在以下连结下载: http://studentaid.gov/exit-counseling/

You must have your FSA ID to log in, which is the same username/email/phone number and password you use to sign in and complete the FAFSA.

所有在中央卡罗来纳技术学院注册的学生都是 Undergraduate Students 因为我们不提供任何研究生或专业课程.


Federal Student Aid does its best to make all information about federal student loans easily accessible and easy to understand.

Studentaid.政府是所有与联邦资金有关的事情的中心,尤其是联邦学生贷款. The “Manage Loans” tab gives you quick options to learn more about or complete for your benefit whether you are just starting out, graduating or in repayment. Stay on top of your debt! http://studentaid.gov/h/manage-loans

Check out the ‘myStudentAid’ Mobile App:


Conveniently manage your student aid
  • 使用联邦学生援助免费申请表格申请经济援助
  • View your student aid (loans and grants)
  • Track your loan progress
Get the mobile app now

联邦学生援助不断增加功能和改进移动应用程序. 在您的设备上下载它以获得最新版本.